Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Assignment 1-4-4: Cult of Celebrity and Heroes

In The Avengers, the cult of celebrity and heroes is at the movie’s core. Saving the world brings a level of celebrity and notoriety. Saving a child from crushing debris could bring good attention, while destroying the building in the first place could bring the unwanted attention. In The Avengers, some of these superheroes love being a celebrity, while others try to stay out of the limelight. 

Tony Stark loves the limelight, both in his personal life and as Iron Man. As a billionaire inventor he loves the fast cars, fast women, and being a media darling. He flaunts his brilliance and his wealth in the public eye. His ego drives him, and the media helps his ego flourish. Another hero is in the public eye, but does not understand it. Captain America is an American hero, but after waking up from his frozen slumber, does not quite understand the concept of celebrity. He is a soldier whose goal is keeping America safe. This of course makes him a bit uncomfortable when he finds out that there were collectable cards made of him.
On the opposite side of the celebrity spectrum is Bruce Banner. He lives in the shadows of poor countries helping those in need, all the while hiding from the government. He has no ego, due to the danger and destruction that his alter ego, the Hulk, can potentially bring. He shies away from celebrity and prefers to be left alone. Each of these individuals put aside their differences and egos to become true heroes and save the world. 

The members of the Avengers are each gifted in their own way. They all fight to save those that cannot fight for themselves. They fight for the greater good. Each of these members have special abilities, to fight beings of incredible strength. Another level of heroes in the movie, however, are the members of Shield, such as Agent Coulson. He has training that goes along with being a special agent, but lacks the superpowers or agility that these mini gods possess. This makes him no less of a hero though. He stands up to Loki, an actual Norse god, attempting to recapture him and dies in the process. This bravery in the face of unbeatable odds, makes him just as powerful and brave as each member of the Avengers.   

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